Five Things This Week May 20th

I know it isn't May 20th but Friday is the day I aim for.  Remember several weeks ago I said I would be posting sometime Friday-Sunday.

This actually a Five Things from the past few weeks since I haven't posted a Five Things for a couple of weeks.  (Have I even posted one in May???!!!)

1.  We finally got our van back.  We did not have it back in time for Pascha but we got back in time for Mother's Day.  Thanks to some wonderful, giving, sweet friends though we were all able to make it to the services. We didn't get a a family photo but Boobear and did this selfie on Pascha!

Boobear and Mom on Pascha!

2.  Boobear has finished all her requirements for being a music minor. She will be focusing on her senior year on her new major and a second minor in Religion.  She won't be taking private piano, piano ensemble, or even choir next year.  I'm bummed but I'm glad I got to see her in all the recitals that she did for Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years.

On the night of Boobear's last piano ensemble!

3.  Aren't these gorgeous!  My oldest brought them home for me for Mother's Day!

Flowers for Mother's Day!

4.  Supergirl has been begging to do art like her sisters. We finally got around to starting ARTistics Pursuits.  She is so proud of her vase and flowers.

Supergirl drew a vase and flowers!  Then she colored them in!  Circling Through This LIfe

5.  Tailorbear took some great photos of Turtlegirl.  I think we'll be using this one, maybe, for High School Graduation Announcement!

Turtlegirl ~  Class of 2016!


  1. Such beauty indeed. So thankful we were blessed to celebrate Pascha together.


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