Random Five on Friday ~ July 17th Edition

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve done a Random Five on Friday.

1. Turtlegirl is getting serious about heading to college in fall of 2016. She’s been researching degree programs for several schools, verifying application requirements, and ranking her choices.  I guess we’re going to have to schedule some campus visits!

2. I just finished a review of the most amazing and wonderful web based online homeschool lesson planner. I have tried so many different planners and several online ones and I always always always always go back to Homeschool Tracker Plus. I love Homeschool Tracker Plus but the program is becoming obsolete. HST no longer offers it for sale and now promote their HST Online product. I am completely unfamiliar with it. I have no idea how it compares to Homeschool Planet.  I wasn’t even sure I wanted to review Homeschool Planet so I signed up for the 30 Day Free trial and decided that I loved it. I was given a one year subscription in exchange for my review.  I can see myself paying for another year when that subscription ends.  What about HST +?  Well it is still my beloved program and I plan to use it for transcripts and reports but the day to day lesson planning and grading?  I will use Homeschool Planet.  Homeschool Planet makes adding chores and things like meal plans a much easier process that PLUS (again I don’t know about Online. Online might be streamlined and easier to use that Plus).  Check out Homeschool Planet and sign up for a free trial!

Homeschool Planet ~ Organize home and school! Read Tess's Review at Circling Through This Life

3. How does the garden grow? Quite nicely actually! We have one tomato that is nearly rip enough to pick.  Honeybear picked two lemon cucumbers and 3 pea pods yesterday.

4. I finished  reading another book by Murray McDonald: Divide and Conquer.  This moved just as quickly as The God Complex. I was sucked in from the very first chapter. Divide and Conquer is more violent and has more foul language. I prefer less gruesome and I don’t particularly like seeing certain words in print, but I still really enjoyed this book and I will look for the next one in the series. The ending caught me by surprise and I liked having it be twisted. I really appreciate how McDonald gives you clues and lets the reader think she knows what it is all about and then *wham* he throws in something completely unexpected!

5. One of the widgets on Homeschool Planet is for daily quotes.  The other day this was the quote:  "You prove your worth with your actions, not with your mouth." Jean Paul  I am not sure why but it really spoke to me. I think I need to do more and speak less.

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