Memories, Stories and Books Random Five on Friday

1.  This past Sunday was Mother's Day.  I didn't make it to church but my daughters' brought home a rose corsage for me.  It was beautiful.  I also got to talk to my mom for quite a while on the phone.  I miss her.

2.  May is a time of remembering for me.  Daddy's birthday was May 5th.   His Daddy's birthday would be tomorrow May 16th and Grandma passed from this life to the next in May a few years ago.  She was an amazing lady with a gift for story telling.  I was missing her on Mother's Day and wanting to hear just one more story.

Grandma and Poppy from 1945

3.  According to GoodReads I got behind on my Reading Challenge.  It says “you are three books behind schedule.”  Oops!  I was ahead of schedule going into April and I was reading but I just never finished a book.  Perhaps I was reading too many.

4. So speaking of reading books.  I plan to finish Incriminating Evidence by Sheldon Siegel this weekend. I might even be able to finish another book or two.  I just have to be disciplined and not start another book until I finish some of my “currently reading” books.

5. And still speaking of books, I don’t know if my love of reading came from my mother or from both of my grandmothers.  I only know that I loved hearing Grandma Elsie tell her stories. She was a writer. She encouraged my love of poetry and stories. I have fond memories of going to the library and picking out books to read.  Mom, Grandma W, my sister, and I off the to library.

Memories and books May 15th Edition


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