Random Five on Friday April 17th Edition

It’s Friday again!!!  Here’s Five Random Thoughts for this week:

1.  Today is April 17th.  50 years ago today my dad and my mom got married.  They had only known each other for something like 6 weeks before they got married and they were married until my dad died.

2. This year Western Easter fell one week before Pascha so Easter was our Palm Sunday and then we entered into Holy Week.  I've written about Holy Week and Great Lent in the past so today I thought I would just share a few of my past posts:

3.  The weather was supposed to be nasty last weekend. Surprisingly, it didn’t turn out to be as cold or as wet as weather.com predicated. It wasn’t exactly warm and sunny for our Agape Feast but at least the ground was dry and the kids didn’t get rained on when they did the Easter Treat Hunt.

Supergirl finds a prize on the Easter Treat Hunt!


4.  Pascha is the one Sunday a year that Orthodox Christians sleep in and eat breakfast before heading to church. In addition to Kulich and bacon and sausage, this year I made a family favorite: Cream Cheese and Bacon Scrambled Eggs.  It was so yummy! I tried something different though.  I did not beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add the cream cheese mix.  I just cracked the eggs directly into the cream cheese/butter/milk mix and whipped it all together.  Why didn’t I think of doing that sooner?  We baked it in a 9x13 glass dish.  If you haven’t tried them, you should!

5. It’s Bright Week and I am looking forward to Vespers tonight and liturgy tomorrow for Bright Saturday!


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