My Favorite Holiday of the Year: Pascha!!! {Favorite Anything}

Two weeks ago both East and West celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Eastern Orthodox Christians use the term Pascha which means Passover. But whatever it is called it is my favorite holiday of the year!

4 1/2 years ago someone said to me that Pascha was his children’s favorite holiday.  The children even liked it more than Christmas. Yes, I was skeptical. Children who like Easter more than Christmas?  Really?  I could not, at that time, even imagine that I would like Easter better than Christmas and I’m an adult. Ha! Guess what?  My whole family declares Pascha to be the best and most favorite holiday of the year.

I think that part of the reason we love the Pascha celebration so much is directly related to the fact that we spend so much time during Great Lent and Holy Week preparing, remembering and focusing (at least in theory) on our spiritual walk.  Though we celebrate with an awesome Easter Treat Hunt and a huge Agape Feast, it’s not about the candy.  It’s not about the food.  It’s not even about lent being over.  (Ok maybe a little bit about lent being over and surviving lent.)  It’s about celebrating the victory over Death.  It’s about realizing that Jesus Christ accomplished and finished what He came to do when took on human flesh at His incarnation. 

Christ is Risen from the dead
trampling down death by death
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

Here are some pictures from Pascha 2010 through 2014!

Pascha Basket Collage

 Pascha Variety Pack Collage

Family Portrait Collage

Pascha 2013 Family

Favorties Graphic

Do you have a favorite holiday? I’d love to hear about it! Leave me a comment to share your favorite holiday.  Have a blog post about your favorite book, actor, hymn, Bible verse or anything that is your  favorite? Then come link up. Be sure and visit the other blogs linked up to see what their favorite anything is this week.

Rules for linking up:

  1. Post must talk about something that is your favorite.  It doesn’t have to be the same topic as my favorite post this week but it must be about something that is your favorite.
  2. Please include a link back to my blog.  You are welcome to grab the button from the sidebar to include in your post.


  1. I think Easter Sunday is my favorite day of the year to be in church. :-) I just linked up my "favorite" post from last week, but I'll have one for this week and link it up later in the week.

  2. Christ is Risen!
    Amazing that this was your fifth Pascha! What a blessing to know you through this journey, my friend :)

  3. Christ is Risen!
    coming in a bit late. I absolutely LOVE the Cheetos from your first basket. Lovely photos of your family through the years.

    When we became Orthodox Pascha instantly became my children's favorite holiday. One year my 15 or16yr old wept bitterly when she couldn't attend services because of a bad cold. I was taken aback at how upset she was. For the next year she kept asking, "how much longer 'till Pascha?"


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