A Few of my Favorite Quotes

When trying to think of a topic for the letter q I seem to always want to gravitate towards quotes.  Last week I combined Ben and Me’s Blogging Through the Alphabet Meme with my Favorite Anything Series. I decided to combine my Favorite Anything Series with my alphabet blogging again this week.  I couldn’t narrow it down to just one quote so I’ve picked a few of my favorite quotes to share this week.

52 Week Series Favorite Anything Circling Through This Life

When I was in high school I decorated my notebooks with doodles and hearts and names and quotes.  Usually the quotes were song lyrics. One of those quotes still frequently comes to mind: It’s from yourself that you have to hide.”

It’s from a song: “Come up and See Me (Make Me Smile).”  I first heard the song as a live version recorded by Duran Duran.  “It’s from yourself that you have to hide.”  It just sounds so profound.  So deep. I found it thought provoking and sometimes true. I don’t think we hide just from others but sometimes from ourselves and sometimes I think others may know us better than we know ourselves.

Another favorite quote of mine reflects a different season in my life. A season that is passing but still beautiful.  I don’t know where the original quote come from but it was a friend who said to me many years ago and it has stuck:  “The days are long but the years are short.”  This is my favorite quote to describe those years of having only little ones. I guess you could say it’s my favorite child-rearing quote.

When the girls were little the days were so busy and so long and so tiring.  I had 4 babies in less than 4 years.  (BooBear was just under 26 months when the twins were born and she was 3 years, 9 months and 1 day old when Tailorbear was born.  It was exhausting but I think very cool to say “I have 4 children ages 3 and under” for 3 months and then to say “I have 4 children ages 4 and under for a year.”)

Those days were long but the years?  Those just kept getting shorter and shorter. I blinked and now they are 18 1/2, nearly 16 1/2 and nearly 15. The days were long and the years are short.

I have one more quote that I want to share.  It’s a quote from Mother Teresa. It is Boobear’s favorite quote and it has become a favorite of mine as well. "I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” I think it’s among my favorites because I want to be used by God.  I love the imagery.  God is writing a love letter to the world and He does so by the actions of Christians.

Do you have a favorite a quote?  What is it?  Leave me a comment to share your favorite quote.  Have a blog post about your favorite book, actor, hymn, Bible verse or anything that is your  favorite? Then come link up. Be sure and visit the other blogs linked up to see what their favorite thing is this week.

Rules for linking up:

  1. Post must talk about something that is your favorite.  It doesn’t have to be the same topic as my favorite post this week but it must be about something that is your favorite.
  2. Please include a link back to my blog.  You are welcome to grab the button from the sidebar to include in your post.

I’ll be linking this post up to 52 Weeks Series Blog Hop.

For the Display of His Splendor 52 Week Series Blog Hop


Blogging Through the Alphabet

Check out this week’s letter!


  1. I need to dig up some of my favorite quotes. There was one from Charlotte Mason about children playing outside but its been lost. I had changed my blog look (this was over three years ago) and I lost it. It was really good too.

    Thank you for sharing,

  2. I love "The days are long, but the years are short." It's an excellent reminder.

  3. I have to admit, I didn't listen to Duran Duran ;) ~ great quote! You're right, others often know us better and see us through a clearer lens than we do ourselves.

  4. some really great and thought-provoking quotes.


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