The Schoolhouse Review Crew ~ Day 3 Essentials

5-Days-of-Home-School-Essentials Circling Through This Life

Yes, you read the title right.  I think being a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew is essential for my home school.  I know it isn’t for everybody and there’s only space for so many home school blogging families.  For me though it has become so essential that I am not sure if I *could* home school without the crew. I don’t know that I would be able to provide as rich and varied learning environment for my daughters. I think my oldest daughter’s transcript would have holes in certain subjects.

I joined the crew when in June 2010. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was getting into and I wasn’t sure I could pull off writing reviews.  I did know that I no longer had a budget for home school curricula or supplies or extras like I used to and this seemed like a great way to try out products that I wouldn’t otherwise get to use.

In addition to finding a Latin program, sewing programs (yes more than 1), a history program (or two) a math program (or several), I’ve found friends.  There are some wonderful ladies (and one dad too!) who have laughed with me, cried with me, prayed with me, and answered questions about everything!  Did you see my post about support system?  Those e-maginary friends? Many of those are from the schoolhouse review crew.

The review crew has helped me to get to know my children better, to gain a better understanding of how they think and what they like. Through the crew Turtlegirl has been able to explore science and computer programing.  I’ve learned that Turtlegirl is an independent, visual learner, and she does great with independent programs.  Tailorbear is much more kinesthetic.  She needs to be active and she learns by doing. Speaking of kinesthetic, I learned that Supergirl also needs to touch, feel, and move things. Thanks to the crew she has a learn to read program that incorporates moving letter tiles to form words and she has a very hands on math program where she can touch the numbers.  She can hold them, trace them, move them around.

My oldest daughter was afraid of writing.  She was afraid of college applications because she didn’t want to write an essay. She was afraid of college because she was afraid of writing papers. She (and I!) was afraid of the SAT.  The crew came to our rescue and provided such an amazing writing program that my daughter now not only loves to write but her college professor has shared her summaries as examples for the class! She also had excellent SAT Prep and scored well enough to get an academic merit scholarship.  There is no doubt in my mind that the crew was essential to my daughter’s successful application and entrance into college and her current success with college courses. I never would have tried the writing program and I had never even heard of the SAT course!

The crew is essential to my home schooling because the Crew provides support for me and provides the opportunity to try products I might not even know exist.

The Schoolhouse Review Crew is just beginning for 2014; it will be many months before the application is available for a 2015 Crew spot but that doesn’t mean you can’t be thinking about it now.  You can read about what membership means to some crew members and you can be building your blog.  You’ll need an established active blog and you’ll need some public followers. Watch the Crew blog for information about future applications.  

Come read what other Schoolhouse Crew Team Members think are essential in their homeschools.  Here are a few to get you started.  Click on the image below to read even more!

Marcy @ Ben and Me

Lisa @ Golden Grasses

Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart

Kayla @ The Arrowood Zoo

Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Deanna @ His Treasure Seekers

Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool

Beth @ Ozark Ramblings

Rebecca @ Raventhreads

 5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials


  1. Me too, sister. :)

    Glad you were talked into joining!

  2. Love it! This is only my second year, but I completely understand. :-)

  3. I can't imagine not being on the Crew! Definitely essential for us!

  4. We started on the Crew at the beginning of Kindergarten with my oldest, so it has been such a blessing as we've figured this whole thing out!

  5. Great post, and very fun! I've applied several times in the past to the Crew, but this is the first time I've been accepted. I'm so glad to be on board and hope I can stay for an extended period of time. I know it will be a blessing to us both in our homeschool and as a family! Certainly I'm thankful to have it for our high school years, now that I have one high school aged. (Yikes!!)

    Thanks for posting! God bless!

  6. I totally understand!! I have had so many blessings from The Schoolhouse Review Crew!!

  7. I love, love the Crew. I've had the opportunity to try things with the kids that I wouldn't have had the opportunity for without it.


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