Random 5 on Friday {December 6th Edition}
Yes I missed last weekend. I’ll just blame it on Thanksgiving Weekend. I um ate too much great food and couldn’t bring myself to have enough energy to type? Yes that must be it! Hope you had a great week!
1. Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas. Most of the traditions I have seen involve children putting out their shoes and St. Nick fills them with treats. Chocolate Coins are very traditional as they represent the coins that St. Nicholas gave to the sisters for their dowry. Wonder what I am talking about? Here’s a couple of links. This first one from Alex Riggle is quite humorous: St. Nicholas of Myra. This second one is far more educational based and is a website with lots of links: St. Nicholas Center.
2. We don’t do the shoes. We do stockings hung by the fire. It just seems to connect more for me with story that we hear every year at church. St. Nicholas flung a bag of coins through a chimney and it landed in a sock that was hung by the fire to dry. The girls found Santa shaped chocolates and a candy cane in their stockings.
3. Mom did not want to be left out of the festivities so Turtlegirl made some yummy peppermint flavored skinny chocolate pieces for me. I think they kind of look like chocolate coins. (Yes, I think I might share our recipe.)
4. The Schoolhouse Review Crew has started up the 2014 Crew Year. New crew and returning crew met this week on the forum. The New Crew will be reviewing SchoolhouseTeachers.com in the next couple of weeks. Then we’ll all take a break until after the holidays when it’s back to the business of reviewing great products.
5. I’m a mentor for the crew this year and I get to add the pretty Mainstay button to my side bar. Go on, take a look at the sidebar and you’ll see the new Crew button.
What was happening this week for you? What are your random thoughts?
Come join us over at the Pebble Pond for this week’s Edition of Random 5 on Friday!
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