H is for Happy Mother’s Day!

Today in the United States we celebrate Mother’s Day.  I like Mother’s Day at my church. Teen girls help make corsages on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday morning they pin them on the moms as they come into church. 

I love two-tone roses.  I’m particularly fond of Fire and Ice roses but I’ll take any two-tone over a solid color.  The lovely teen pinning corsages this morning was my beautiful daughter. She knew exactly which rose corsage to pin on me!  (Thank you BooBear!)


My husband took me shopping to pick out plants for our tiny garden and while we were gone my girls made a lovely ham dinner.  We had special potatoes (think twice baked potato filling) inspired by some awesome potatoes that a friend made for our Agape Feast and ham.  BooBear was excited because she’d never done a ham before.  I am a very blessed mother.

I wish I could spend mother’s day with my momma but she and I live too far apart.  I did call her today though and it was so good to hear her voice.  I miss her.  My girls miss her. Even my husband misses her. <grin>

This morning we had a hierarchal liturgy.  It’s hierarchal because the Bishop is present.  At the end of the service he talked a bit about Mother’s Day.  He said that the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women would be a more Orthodox choice of a date because these women gave of themselves to nurture and care for Christ and were with him until the very end. They are the ones who went to tend to His body in the Tomb and found the Tomb empty! We sang many years to all the moms but also to grandmothers, Godmothers and all those who care and nurture for others.

With that in mind I wish all my readers: mothers, mothers-to-be, mothers-who- want-to be and those who nurture, care and mother others a very special Mother’s. Day!

Blogging Through the Alphabet


  1. Your lovely teen pinned the same one on me :)
    Glad the twice baked potatoes worked out! Yum!

  2. The potatoes were good but Delaney's were better! I need to get his recipe!


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