B is for sisters Baking Bread

Last weekend we’d all been feeling under the weather  so I decided it was time to make some Virus Killing Soup. (I used a rotisserie chicken.) We love eating bread with this soup and Tailorbear has been experimenting with bread baking.

It warmed my heart (as well as my kitchen) to look up and see Tailorbear and Supergirl working in the kitchen.  Tailorbear decided to let her developmentally younger sister help.  Both girls were wearing aprons.  I giggled when I saw granny’s apron wrapped around little Supergirl.  Grandma would have been pleased!

I used to bake bread very regularly.  I used to grind my own wheat!  But that was a long time ago.  We’ve gotten away from whole wheat bread.  Making homemade white bread has got to be  step back in the right direction, though right?  Eventually, Tailorbear may try her hand a multi-grain bread or even an oatmeal bread!  For now though she is using an adapted “French Bread” recipe to make “regular” loaves of bread.

Every now and again, Tailorbear just blows me away with how well she cares for Supergirl.  Oh yes, she has her moments, she is only just turned 14 after all, but on this particular day, I could see the beautiful relationship of two sisters.  Tailorbear included Supergirl in the mixing/ kneading of the dough by asking Supergirl to “hold the bowl”.  Sometimes the Bosch mixer likes to “take a walk.”   Supergirl stood that the counter (she’s finally tall enough!) and held the bowl.

Two sisters rolling out bread dough to shape for loaves.

When it came time to shape the dough, Tailorbear gave some dough to Supergirl so she could knead it and shape her own little loaves.  They were so adorable and cute.  Just like her! <grin>


You can see Supergirl’s two little loaves and one of Tailorbear’s more “normal” sized loaves.  The bread was just perfect and complimented the soup quite nicely. Good soup, good bread, lovely sisters having a memory making moment together, what more can I ask for?

Blogging Through the Alphabet

This week we’re blogging about the Letter B!


  1. Yum! Homemade bread. Love the shaped loaves.
    And, that apron is adorable on Supergirl!


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