A is for Awareness {Blogging Through The Alphabet}

During Lent we develop a heighted sense of awareness.  Some of this is merely physical, such as a heightened sense of hunger but even the physical awareness may bring out a deeper spiritual awareness.

bread and wheat[16]After the first pre-sanctified liturgy of the 2012 Great Lent season, I was suddenly more aware, more in tuned with the problem of hunger. I chose to not eat as preparation for the liturgy. It was my decision to follow the guidelines for communion but so many more are hungry not by choice.  As I looked at the wonderful bread in my hand I could not help but become more aware of the problem of hunger. “What if I only had a slice of bread.  What if I only had one meal a day.  What if that was all I had was this one thick slice of bread and I had to survive on that?”

This heightened awareness reminds me that as Christians we are called to feed the hungry.  During Lent we are encouraged to increase our almsgiving.  We have a responsibility, as Christians, to to care for the poor, the sick, the hungry and the hurting people.  We love Christ when we love others.

There is another awareness awakening during this first week of Lent.  The awareness of my own sinfulness. During Lent we are to fast from sin.  It isn’t just a fast from food.  We are to abstain from wrong doing.  Yes, we should always fast from sin but during Lent we become more aware of our own sin and we become more aware of our great need for the healing from sin through Jesus Christ.

Lent provides the perfect opportunity for personal character development.  As we become more aware of the needs of others such as hunger and we give more alms to feed the hungry we become more like Christ.  As we become more aware of our own sins and failings, we turn more to Christ.  I’m starting to think of Lent as the re-boot for my walk with Christ.  As I gain awareness, I gain ability to continue the walk, to continue the journey to becoming one with Christ in all ways.

Blogging Through the Alphabet

Bread and Wheat Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


  1. A beautiful journey of awareness and of our never ending need for our savior.


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