In Just TWO Days!

Wow!  It’s February already!  January just flew by.  Maybe January moved so quickly because we stayed busy with school?  Usually we hit the school doldrums, you know the “I want to do anything else even clip my fingernails than do any more school is it summer yet” time.  I think of it as a type of burn out.  Well we’re not experiencing that this year.  

Instead January felt like a brand new school year and we had the excitement that goes with the newness of a new year.  You might be wondering “why did January feel like September, you do usually start your new academic year in September, right?”  Well it’s because of the Schoolhouse Review Crew.

Yes, I’ve been on the crew for a few “crew runs” now but this is different.  The crew year used to run June through May.  The Crew took kind of a break in the month of June and part of July before vendors would ship us the wonderful products.    But the crew underwent some changes and transitions and  now the crew year runs January-November.  Well sort of.  The important part is that the vendors start shipping the wonderful stuff in January which infuses new life in my home school and that means the burn out monster doesn’t have a chance to grow.  We’ve had some new curriculum to try and THIS WEEK (In TWO Days!) the crew reviews will start appearing on various blogs.  In two days the first Crew Blog Post for the very first Vendor for the 2013 Crew Run will go live on the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog and the members assigned will start linking up!

My first assigned review won’t post for another week or so (look for a Review of Song School Spanish after February 15!) You can see the list of upcoming reviews that I’ll be doing on my sidebar and I’ll be updating when I receive a new product. 

Just this week we’re starting TWO new products!  I am so excited!  Being part of the review crew is like getting a jolt of caffeine for my home school program. 

If you are looking for Elementary Science for your home school be sure and check out the Schoolhouse Review Crew starting THIS FRIDAY for reviews!



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