Thankful Thursday 10-11-12

I’ve been feeling sorry for myself quite frequently lately.  Lots of things going on; some are big and some are little.

Then a friend posted today’s date on his FB status as a “date funny” or something like that.  It made me smile.  I like things like having the date be three consecutive numbers.

And then another friend posted a Thankful Thursday FB status update.  Hmm Thursday.. Thankful.. and it’s 10-11-12.

So I’ll just make a list of things I am thankful for and maybe that will tame the inner toddler tantrums.  (That inner toddler really threw some nasty tantrums yesterday and she reared her ugly head again this afternoon.  She really hates being told no!)

So what am I thankful for:

  1. Allergy Medication.   I do have some symptoms today but I am so thankful that I am not having the issues I was having in mid-to-late July.  I only wish I had known sooner that it was allergies and not a never ending cold!
  2. Tea.  Though I am out of Earl Gray, I do have some British Blend.  I find a cup of tea in the afternoon to be quite refreshing.  Tea and a good book is the prescription for taming the inner toddler.  Just in case you need to know.
  3. Dinner for tomorrow night is in the crockpot (or Saturday night.  We’ll see).  Why?  Um, because it was supposed to be dinner for TONIGHT but we found some meat in the fridge that NEEDS TO BE COOKED NOW so we’re having lots and lots of steak fajitas tonight.  I think I’ll try to set some aside for lunches.  Two meals worth of chuck steak and I didn’t want it to go to waste.
  4. I am very thankful that the chuck steak had not yet gone bad and that even though it ALL has to be cooked NOW (meaning today) at least it can be cooked and eaten and I don’t have to throw it away.
  5. We have LOTS and LOTS of fabric.  This means that I won’t have to buy fabric for practice sewing or for our pin cushions and maybe not even for our first assessment project: the Apron.   Money is tight and I am thankful that I don’t have spend money on fabric because we already have so much that will meet our needs.  (Look for my review of You CAN Sew by Modesty Matters in early November!)
  6. Since I mentioned the You CAN Sew curriculum I’ll go ahead and mention how incredibly grateful I am that my girls and I have the opportunity to review this program.  I am grateful for the crew in general but today I am especially thankful for this review product.
  7. I am glad that my county library has e-books that I can check out immediately and read on my NOOK.  (See the above comments about the inner toddler). I have two new books waiting for me to start and two that I am working through.
  8. Speaking of the Library, I am grateful that our library provides FREE cards to rural county residents.  I am grateful for the public funding that provides money for the public library. 
  9. I am thankful for the sunshine.  Sunshine in October in the Pacific Northwest is a rare treat.  I know we need the rain (and I think it’s coming!) but as I type this the sun is shining.  It’s easier to find things to be thankful for when the sun is shining!
  10. And last but certainly not least I do not have the adjective to describe how grateful I am for my friends.  Friends who cry with me, laugh with me and love me through the best and worst of times.  Truly grateful for the love and support of my friends.

What are you thankful for today? 


  1. I think we got your rainy, drizzly day. We were a bit confused when we walked outside this morning. :)

    Thank you for the encouragement to keep on thanking God in the midst of strugglesome days.

  2. Beautiful blog! I'm thankful for the rain, that canceled the things I had planned today so we could stay home and relax! I also have dinner in the crockpot, but it is for tonight - lol! Hope you enjoyed your fajitas!


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