TOS Review: Amazing Science! Volume 1 DVD


Have I mentioned that we’re a science loving family? Oh I have? Well,` be warned this is one of those “gushing about the product” type of reviews. 

I think one of the reasons we love science around here so much is that science is so “hands on”.  You learn by doing.  And it’s fun! We’ve been watching the Amazing Science Volume 1 DVD from and having a blast. We’ve tried some experiments and we’re planning more.

This two disk DVD set retails for $24.95 but is available from for $19.95.  They also offer a downloadable version for $17.99.  On these two disks you’ll find 23 fun science experiments. 

Here’s a Detailed Description directly from the website: Learn fundamental principles of science through Amazing Science Experiments! You'll learn about electricity, magnetism, heat, temperature, pressure, surface tension, buoyancy, and much more.

For every demonstration, a complete materials list is given, and each experiment features multiple camera views so you can see exactly what happens. Most importantly, every concept is explained in a step-by-step fashion. You'll not only be amazed - you'll understand the science behind every experiment!”

I think Amazing Science! has an all ages appeal but may excite those in the grades 5 to 9 range the most.  Supergirl (functioning at around a first grade level) did enjoy watching the videos but I’m not sure how much she grasped of the explanations.  I enjoyed watching and even I learned a thing a thing or two.  We even got my husband to watch a few of the experiments with us!

Thoughts from BooBear (age 16, 11th grade): “It’s science. I’m not a science person like my sisters, but the experiments were cool.  He explains things in detail which I found frustrating because I didn’t care and I already knew a lot of the science behind the experiments but I did really enjoy watching the actual experiments the cloud in the bottle and the dry ice bubbles. Those were especially cool.”

Thoughts from Turtlegirl (age 14, 9th grade): “I enjoyed it. I’ve enjoyed the couple experiments we actually did and I’m looking forward to doing more.  I’ve enjoyed watching the ones we probably won’t do like the motor one.  I thought he was very thorough in his explanations and I liked that.  I liked the fact that he took the time to explain in detail what was really going on.  I loved this DVD.  I love science.  I recommend this video to those who love science and experiments.”

Thoughts from Tailorbear (age 13, 7th grade): “So many of the experiments were so amazing. One problem: the person took forever to get to the point. He would say something once, then say it again and again in different words.  I did like that he told me exactly what was going on.  He told us what was optional and what was needed to do each experiment.  I loved it even though I didn’t love that he kept repeating himself (though I can understand why he did.) I liked the experiments we did and I can’t wait to do more like the dry ice one if I can get mom to do that one.  I recommend this dvd.”


My Bottom Line:This is an excellent resource for science.  I highly recommend this DVD for home school co-op science classes.  For home use this is a fun way to introduce science concepts to younger children and get them excited about science.  For my girls this has been a great reinforcement of things we have studied over the years.  Some of the experiments, such as ocean in a bottle, we’ve done before but others were new to us. 

Why do I like and recommend this 2 disk DVD set? Jason Gibson explains the science behind every experiment.  He also stresses safety.  I was impressed that he talked about getting into the habit of wearing safety glasses even when you don’t think you’ll need them (though in one experiment he didn’t actually put them on.  The glasses were visible on the counter but he never actually put them on.) I like that, for the most part, the experiments use items we have around the house.  A few of them require a trip to the store and I’m not likely to actually to do those with the girls but those experiments would be great in a co-op setting.  I really appreciate that my girls can still watch and learn from those types of experiments.  Instead of reading about it in a book and having mom go “uh no, I’m not going hunting for a copper pipe” my daughters can benefit from watching the DVD and still seeing the experiment done and hearing about the science behind the effect.  Since this is labeled Volume 1, I look forward to the release of Volume 2!

Visit the ScienceandMath .com website to find more DVD’s such as a DVD Course for Physics or a Basic Math Course DVD.

Visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog to read what my fellow crew mates had to say about the Amazing Science!DVD from


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You can read my other Schoolhouse Review Crew Reviews to find more great products.


  1. I enjoyed reading your girls'honest assessment of the DVD's. We'd enjoy watching these.


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