TOS Review: Principles of Marketing (Professor in a Box)


My oldest daughter wants to have her own piano studio someday.  She’s planning to have her own business providing private piano instruction.   We both were so excited to have the opportunity to use and review the Principles of Marketing course from Professor in a Box.

Also known as Basic Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing, or Marketing Principles, Principles of Marketing retails for $119.99.  This course can be completed by any high school student with basic reading and math skills.  Professor in a Box also offers a money back guarantee!  For more information click here.   For more information about Principles of Marketing click here.  Would you like to see a sample of chapter 1?  Click here.

Features I love:

  • Includes a lesson plan for the course. There is a file included containing lesson plans for the Marketing Course.  Each activity also gives a time estimate so students can budget their time! The syllabus also suggests how many lessons to complete based on a semester (Aug – Dec for example) or Full year (Sept – May) time line.
  • Everything a student needs is available through the disk! Well maybe not everything.  Student should still have paper and pen available and may want a printer but all necessary course content is included. It even includes online resources.  There is no bulky textbook to try to wade through.
  • Quizzes and Exams are interactive!  The chapter quizzes and the exams can be completed right on the computer!  The program even keeps score and provides a grade.  If you do not get a minimum passing score on a quiz it instructs you to go back and re-study the material and take the quiz again.
  • It is independent! I love that my daughter can do this without me.  I love that it is set up with lecture slides and that I am not doing the teaching or the grading.  I love that this is training her for college.


Thoughts from my 16 year old: I would recommend it to other people because it gives the information in small chunks that are easy to swallow.  It’s not overwhelming.  I love how it is formatted and that the quizzes are on the disk and you can take them on the computer.  I really really really liked it.  The piano business is very very different but this program might give me some ideas I can use.  I don’t recommend this program for anybody who doesn’t like the computer or doesn’t like having a class on the computer.

There is one negative, or drawback with this program:  It doesn’t save the scores.  There is no student log or way to access quizzes already taken. This isn’t a significant enough of a drawback, however, to cause me to NOT recommend the program.  I just recommend that students be encouraged to do a “print screen” or to write down the quiz score so it can be recorded.  I plan to have my 14 year old use this course as part of her high school studies. 

In addition to Principles of Marketing, Professor in a Box also offers Financial Accounting, and a universal Study Guide for Financial Accounting.

 A few of my fellow crewmates also reviewed Principles of Marketing.  You can click on the banner below to read what the TOS Crew has to say:PhotobucketAll information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.

Disclaimer: As a TOS Crew member, I received this product free of charge to review. This review is my honest opinion with, hopefully, enough detail as to why I liked or did not like a product so that my readers can make an informed decision. I received no compensation.


  1. I'm glad to hear your daughter enjoyed it. We enjoyed the Accounting last year. Great review!


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