Joining in on the 31 Days to Clean Challenge

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

I cannot function in a dirty, disorganized, clutter-filled home.  I may appear to function but really it is just a shell of me with mind slowly slipping away trying to find the happy place. 

I debated NOT joining in on this because I know the problem is ME.  I don’t need yet another book telling me how to get organized.  I have several on my shelf and they have served me well.  I’m in this mess because I failed to FOLLOW THROUGH. 

I also debated NOT joining in because it’s an e-book.  I do not do well with e-books.  At least I haven’t when I didn’t have the Nook.  My choices were PDF file or Kindle.  Well I don’t have a Kindle. That leaves me the PDF as an option.

But I took the plunge.  I purchased the e-book. (It’s only $4.99) and I converted it from PDF to Epub.  In a few minutes, I’ll put it on my Nook and grab a cup of coffee and start looking at it.

May is a very busy month for me and I don’t know if I will be able to complete each day’s challenge on the actual day so it may take longer than 31 days for me to complete.  We’re in the home stretch of our school year and I’d really really like to finish our school work by Memorial Day Weekend.   I am hoping this book will give me motivation and encouragement that I need to get my act back together again.

Want to join in?  Click on the button at the top of this post!


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