Five Question Friday

It’s been way too long since I’ve participated in Five Question Friday over at My Little Life.   These are fun, and since I am procrastinating and since it is Friday and who doesn’t like to have fun on a Friday, I’m participating today.

1. Have you ever forgotten your child in a store or at school? At school? LOL.. nope since we home school, I’ll add that I’ve never forgotten a child at home either.  At a store.. no…. leave a baby in a hospital room while I walk with her twin to the OR and then return to the waiting room because I thought baby was with Grandma? Um.. I plead the 5th.

2. Where did you go on your very first date? (Like...first first, not first with your spouse or current significant other!)  I don’t know.  I didn’t really date much.  I can’t even remember WHO was my first date let alone where we went or what we did.  It could have been Mike but I don’t remember where we went. Maybe it was a school concert? 

I guess it doesn’t stick in my mind because he wasn’t the one.  Now if you were to ask about first date with my husband?  I’d have to ask: you mean the first time we got together after meeting which was like a date or the first actual official first date? (I can remember both!)

3. What's your "silly" fear? (We're not talking water and heights.)  Silly fear?  I don’t know.  What do you mean by silly?  Fear of something that can’t really hurt me?  I’m sure I have some silly fears.  I know I have irrational fears.  I have a fear of stinging creatures which makes me feel quite silly at times.  If it has a stinger or looks like it has a stinger then look out cause I might scream and run.  It’s silly in certain situations to be afraid of them so I guess that’s my silly fear; I’m afraid of flying insects that sting even where there is no danger.

4. Confrontation: do you cause it, deal with is as it comes, or run far far away? Yes.

Oh, that wasn’t a yes or no question?  Well, yes sometimes I cause confrontation because sometimes you just have to confront somebody.  Yes, I deal with confrontation as it comes because sometimes you have to (usually related to causing it LOL) but I prefer to run far far away from confrontation and avoid it altogether.  I don’t like rocking the boat because rocking boats have a nasty habit of tipping over and dumping me in to the deep end where it is over my head.

5. Wood floors or carpet? (Do you mean what I have or what I would like?) What I have:  carpet.  What I prefer: BOTH.  I loved having hardwood floors.  I found them easier to keep clean than carpeting.   But I like a decent carpet too.  In my dining room I would prefer hardwood floors.  In the living room, I think I’d like hardwood floors with maybe an area rug.  In the bedrooms I prefer carpet cause hardwood is COLD when you climb out of bed in the morning.


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