Not just Valentine’s Day!

All across the country, people have been celebrating love today.  Children have exchanged valentines in school.  Some husbands have brought home flowers or have made romantic plans for their wives.

We really haven’t done much with Valentine’s Day today.  I’m not making a special dinner.  My husband didn’t even get me a card.  I think one of my girls said Happy Valentine’s Day.   We did some cleaning.  We did some school.   Dinner is simmering on the stove.

But today, in my heart I hold two things close.    February 14 is CHD Awareness Day.   Congenital Heart Defects affects 1 out of every 100 babies.  It is *the* most common birth defect.   As the mother of a “heart baby” February 14  will always be the day set aside to remember all the CHD babies.

Here’s a picture of my HLHS Survior.  Supergirl will be 13 years post Fontan in May. I find it hard to believe how far we have come.  It’s been a difficult road, not just medically but in all aspects of her development.  She is quite the challege to parent!

For CHD Blog Post

There is another reason I hold today so dear.   February 14 is the anniversary of my chrismation.    On this day, 1 year ago, I became an Orthodox Christian.    First I took part in an Office of Reception after Saturday Vespers on February 13, 2010.   My family was baptized Sunday morning and all of us were chrismated. Here is a picture from the first service..


Happy Valentine’s Day!


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