A Blog Walking Tour Week 3

It’s time to take a walking tour through another group of TOS Crew member blogs.  

Blog Walk

(Thanks to Debbie at Debbie’s Digest for the Blog Walk graphic.)

1. All American Family---a background to match the name! What a fun idea. I found a variety of types of posts here by this homeschooling mom including a variety of reviews.  I especially enjoyed her post about purpose. 

2. Wow! I was just incredibly blessed by Amy over at Growing Fruit.  She shares her heart, her struggles and her triumphs as she blogs about her son.  Amy and I share having a special needs child in common.

3. Angela is starting to blog at Learning to Teach.  I like her background and her subtitle spoke me: A journey in learning the Lord’s will for our children.   I look forward to reading what she has to say.

4. Stairsteps Homeschool Academy is Little Farm Mama’s journal of her homeschool.  She also has the cute back ground that Angela has.   Little Farm Mama uses workboxes and has a post with a picture of her workbox set up.

5. Over at  Kingdom Academy, Brandy, the mom of 2 boys, journals about their home school journey.  Like me she is a planner. 

6. Brandi at Living Sola Gratia is a homeshooling mom of 4 who likes to try new things.  You may want to check out her blog for lots of different types of reviews.

7. The Cow Queen is a fun blog!  I’ve enjoyed her recipes posts and I was inspired by her Mommy Corner post.  I want an organized space the way she describes it!

8. Peace Creek on the Prairie—she has a tab called Holy Housewives.  Holy Housewives are having a discussion about the book Passionate Housewives for God.




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