Boy is my life different: an update of sorts

I haven't been keeping up with my blog and here we are nearly halfway through the New Year. My life and views have radically and dramatically changed since I started this blog but yet I am the same person, loving and serving the same Lord; I just look at life from a different angle now.

Oh some things are still the same. Our faith is still the grounding and centering of our lives. I still believe that my husband is head of the household. We still have four beautiful daughters and we are still committed to home education. But some things are different. We pray more regularly as a family. We have more peace and contentment. We are more actively involved with our church.

So what brought about this change? In my last post from last September, I mentioned that we were striving to answer the question "What do we believe and why do we believe it?" As we began to study early church history, our paradigm began to shift. We left our old church and began to experience the ancient faith: Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

In February, Valentine's Day to be exact, I made the most important commitment of my life. Yes, more important than marriage; more important than my children. A commitment with eternal consequences and one not to be taken lightly. On Forgiveness Sunday, February, 14, 2010, through the Holy Mystery of Chrismation, I was received into the Holy Orthodox Church.

My husband and 4 daughters were also received into the Orthodox faith that day. It feels so good to be home.


  1. Tess!!! How exciting to see your blog show up on my blogroll this morning. Get back to posting regularly young lady!! :)

    And nice to see you posting about what happened on Forgiveness Sunday. Finally. LOL!

  2. We are blessed to know you, and indeed, Welcome Home!


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