I’m Thankful For . . . {TOS Blog Cruise}

It’s always a good idea to remember to be thankful any day or month of the year but there is something about Thanksgiving and the month of November that causes people to focus on being thankful. I’m joining with fellow crew members to participate in the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog Cruise: on being thankful.

Here’s my list (in no particularly order):

Today, I focus on being thankful that as I celebrate 19 years of marriage (19 years on the 19th of November, isn’t that cool!) I still have my husband with me to celebrate. Regular readers of my blog may recall that my husband had a mild heart attack last June.  Next month he’ll have another heart catheterization to see how that artery is doing.

I’m thankful that he was there in June, after the heart attack,  to celebrate our daughter’s 18th birthday and graduation from high school.  He was there for her first day of college.

I’m thankful for home schooling.  It’s been an amazing journey to home school my oldest daughter all the way through high school.  I’m thankful I get to do that for her sisters as well.


I’m thankful for each one of my four beautiful daughters. Each one of them brings something special and amazing to the world and we are all better for it.


I’m thankful for my church and my faith.

I’m thankful for the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  I can not imagine how we would have continued to home educate our daughters without some of the incredible products and curriculum that we’ve reviewed.

I’m thankful for my marriage. Marriage is hard work. I am thankful that we haven’t given up.  I’m amazed that we’ve made it to our 19th anniversary but grateful that we’re still  together. And oh so grateful that he’s still around to fight with and love with and grow with and learn with. Happy 19th Anniversary (on the 19th!) to my Honeybear.

But most of all I’m thankful to have things to be thankful for.


Visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog to read more posts from crew members on being thankful!


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