TOS Review: Kinderbach at Home(2012)


First I need to share that I am writing this review because I love this product.  I volunteered to write this review; I was not required to provide one.

About a year ago I did a TOS Review of this music program for young students and we loved it so much that I purchased a one year subscription!

So what makes this such and incredibly wonderful program? Let me list some reasons:

  • The Lessons are fun! Karri enjoys what she does and this enjoyment spills out into the lessons.  She’s having fun and that means my daughter has fun.
  • The Lessons (Sessions) are short.  Each “week” is divided into 4 sessions.  These are very short which means my daughter, who can be easily distracted, doesn’t lose focus.  Also because the video clips are short, she doesn’t mind re-watching several at one sitting.
  • Covers six areas of music development. 1)Ear or Listening Skills, 2) Sight or Note reading, 3) Rhythm, 4)Hand position or Technique, 5) Singing,  6)Composition
  • Does not require a piano.  You can use just an inexpensive small keyboard.  Many of Karri’s demonstrations are done on a small keyboard.
  • Includes fun activity books.  Some of these are coloring pages, while others are “song sheets” to use for practice.  The activities reinforce the topics covered in each week.
 My daughter struggles with fine motor skills; multiple strokes have impaired her ability to fully use her left hand.  Yet, despite the physical limitations, she loves the piano.  She may never truly play the piano, but Kinderbach instills in her an appreciation for the piano and allows Supergirl to have “piano lessons like my sisters”.


For us this is so much more than an introduction to learning to play piano.  It’s a course that teaches left and right and develops fine motor skills through coloring and cutting as well as finger strength in learning piano technique.


(Above Supergirl colors in the Train station remembering that the train station is for the three black keys.  Below she works on rhythm with Karri.)


Designed for children ages 3-7 Kinderbach offers DVD packages as well as online subscription options.  DVD packages start at $40.45   The online subscription options start at $7.95 per month.

Kinderbach offers the first two weeks of the online program for FREE so you can try it before you buy it. (Two Weeks Free) After you try it out and decide that you really like it you can use this Coupon Code: TOScrew2012 to save 30% off your order.  This coupon is valid until 2/1/2013!!!

Click on the banner below to read what my fellow crew mates had to say about Kinderbach At HomePhotobucket All information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.

Disclaimer:  I was asked by the The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew to write this review.  I did not receive a free subscription.  This review is based on my purchased 1 year online subscription.


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